Set in Riparbella in Tuscany in the 1980s, Rohrwacher's film is a captivating story following a downatheel disgraced and lovelorn English archaeologist, Arthur, played by Josh OConnor, who while helping local grave robbers to locate ancient tombs dreams of a reunion with his lost love.
The word Chimera has a number of meaning,s the most relevant one here being “a strange or impossible dream or figment of the imagination.” The film centres on O'Connors fine portrayal of Arthur, a frayed and wounded character adrift and disconnected from the world. Arthur reluctantly inhabits the present but is continually drawn to the past and the beauty of ancient artefacts but also to the recent past and an elusive time of happiness with his lost love Beniamena.
An audacious and thrilling film where the lines between fantasy and reality the visible and invisible truth and lies are blurred and capricious.
Thursday 5th September
Time: 19:30
Tickets: £6.50
Book tickets
PGC cannot guarantee that all What's On information is 100% accurate. If in doubt, contact the organisers or visit their website using the More Details button.
Saturday 21 September at 7.30pm
Waterhouse Hall, 77 Compton Road, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NU
Thursday 3 October at 7.30pm
Dugdale Arts Centre, London Road, Enfield Town EN2 6DS
Saturday 19 October at 7.30pm
Waterhouse Hall, 77 Compton Road, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NU
Thursday 7 November at 7.30pm
Dugdale Arts Centre, London Road, Enfield Town EN2 6DS