Forum topic: Fortnightly green bin collections to start in March
Fortnightly green bin collections to start in March
PGC Webmaster
28 Jan 2017 18:01 #2651
- PGC Webmaster
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The change from weekly to fortnightly collection of "green" (food and garden waste) recycling will occur in March. Ahead of the change households will be sent a calendar showing which weeks the green bins will be collected.
The following information is taken from the Council website:
Changes to your green bin service
In March 2017 your green bin service will become fortnightly. This will not affect the collection of your other bins or, in the vast majority of cases, the day of your green bin collection. However, your bin might be collected at a different time of day than before.
Shortly before the service changes, we will send you a calendar setting out your revised collection dates. Once the changes have started, you will also be able to check the date of your next collection online.
Why we’re making the change
We have had to make cuts of £118m since 2010 and have a challenging savings target of £56m by 2019/20. As a result, we have to find more efficient ways of delivering services while still maintaining a high standard.
Green bin collections were identified as an area to make significant savings while minimising the impact on residents and service performance.
A public consultation process was undertaken between the 10 June and 2 September 2016, which offered two options for future service delivery:
- fortnightly collection, free of charge
- weekly collection, charged at £60 per year
The preferred option (supported by 87 per cent of residents responding to the consultation) was to move to a free fortnightly green bin service. The options and the response from the consultation were considered at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on the 19 October 2016.The decision was made to implement a new free fortnightly service that will start in March 2017.
3,191 residents took part in the public consultation.
Smaller slimline green bins – swap your bin online
We recognise that when the service becomes fortnightly, some households with a 140 litre green bin may find that their bin is too small.
To address this, we’re offering all households with a smaller slimline green bin the option to swap for a larger 240 litre bin free of charge. However, in order for the bins to be delivered in time for the revised service provision in March, requests from residents should have been made by the deadline of 8 January 2017. There is still an opportunity to receive a larger bin for free after this date, but it is unlikely new bins ordered after 8 January 2017 will be delivered prior to the start of the new service in March.
We will also be writing to all residents who our records indicate have a smaller bin, with a Freepost return card.
If you’re unsure whether you have a slimline bin, see our below chart:
What to do if you share a green bin and want your own bin
We have written to all residents who our records show share their bins. You can use a freepost reply to request a free bin of your own.
What to do with additional green waste if your bin is full
If you have a 240 litre bin, you can request another bin for an annual charge. Alternatively, garden waste can be taken to Barrowell Green Recycling Centre.
You can also purchase home compost bins at a reduced price.As we have a no side waste policy, any rubbish that is left next to the bin will not be collected and you may be issued with a fly-tipping.
Preventing smells and maggots
To help with any smells, use boiling water or a fragranced cleaning product to regularly rinse your bin and deter flies. You should also:
- squeeze the air out of compostable bags that contain food waste before they are tied and put in the bin
- keep the bin lid tightly closed
- keep the bin out of direct sunshine in hot weather, to avoid heating the rubbish and increasing smells.
- don't leave food waste lying around the home before putting it in the bin
- layer grass clippings with other woody types of garden rubbish
- always wrap food waste tightly in newspaper or place in a compostable bag with the seedling symbol
Flies can only lay eggs if they have the chance to land on unwrapped and uncontained food. By following the guidance above, the opportunity for flies to lay eggs is limited, which should mean maggots can be avoided.
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Fortnightly green bin collections to start in March
Colin Younger
29 Jan 2017 12:53 #2652
- Colin Younger
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Fortnightly green bin collections to start in March
Basil Clarke
29 Jan 2017 15:07 #2655
- Basil Clarke
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Well done Basil, this is the first I've seen about the swap arrangements. Do you know when this swapping request appeared on the LBE website?
No, but the deadline of 8th Jan had already passed when I first came across that page yesterday.
There was a news item/press release published on 26th Jan:
with reduced detail, but with a link to a page in the Rubbish and Recycling section of the website:
But as that page isn't a news item it doesn't have a publication date.
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Fortnightly green bin collections to start in March
Karl Brown
30 Jan 2017 18:41 #2660
- Karl Brown
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