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Forum topic: Covid Streetspace: Bike lanes, school streets, low-traffic neighbourhoods and more


Covid Streetspace: Bike lanes, school streets, low-traffic neighbourhoods and more

PGC Webmaster

01 Jul 2020 16:00 5398

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[Original article]

Enfield Council has published information about its progress in obtaining funding for urgent Streetspace schemes, designed to enable more walking and cycling post-lockdown in a situation where people will be unable or reluctant to use public transport. A document recently published on the council's Let's Talk website also includes updates about the status of planned low-traffic neighbourhoods in the Fox Lane, Connaught Gardens and Bowes Primary areas.

£80 million for emergency projects in London

streetspace graphic showing social distancingThe money to pay for the emergency projects in London - in total, £80 million - is being provided by the Department for Transport (DfT). £55 million is going to Transport for London (TfL) - £10 million for its own projects, the rest to be allocated to borough schemes.  The DfT is allocating the remaining £25 million directly to boroughs.

However, £80 million is a much smaller amount than the £417 million that TfL was planning to invest in borough Healthy Streets schemes this year before the coronavirus emergency struck, reducing revenue from fares to a fraction of what was anticipated and necessitating a rescue package from the government. Much planned work, such as some Liveable Neighbourhood schemes, has consequently been put on hold.

More to £2 million for Enfield, so far

Five schemes submitted by Enfield have so far been approved, with funding allocations totalling just over £2 million. The money will be spent on cycle routes, a new cycling and walking path, a low-traffic neighbourhood scheme in Bowes ward and school street schemes.

The TfL money is coming from the first tranche of the funding it will provide to boroughs for Streetspace projects, but so far only a proportion of the total money for this tranche has been allocated. Decisions about the remainder should be made within the next fortnight, and the options being considered include several more projects submitted by Enfield Council.

There will be two further tranches of TfL funding, for schemes envisaged as being permanent, rather than emergency interventions.

The successful bids, and those awaiting assessment

The projects so far approved for funding are:

  • Completion of cycle lanes along the A1010 Hertford Road, as far north as Freezy Water.
  • A new cycle route connecting the southern end of the A1010 cycle lanes to the northern end of an extended CS1 at the Edmonton/Tottenham boundary. The council has not revealed what route will be taken, but the map of Haringey Council's Streetspace projects on its website shows the connection running along Bull Lane, past the North Middlesex Hospital.
  • Angel Walk: A project to provide an improved walking and cycling route from Edmonton Green to the new Meridian Water development in the south-eastern corner of the borough.
  • The "Bowes Primary Area" low-traffic neighbourhood - a scheme to exclude through traffic from residential streets in the western part of Bowes ward - awarded £100,000 of DfT money.
  • School streets outside 12 primary schools in the north and east of the borough.

The school streets schemes (referred to in an earlier document as "school streets lite") will not incorporate ANPR cameras are likely to rely on school staff being prepared to put out and take in barriers to block off streets at school start and finish times.

The council is still waiting to hear whether or not a further nine schemes will be approved by TfL, most of them actually consisting of interventions at multiple sites. This part of the list includes the Fox Lane and Connaught Gardens low-traffic schemes, though the council is evidently continuing to work on these in the anticipation that money will be forthcoming.

The information below has been extracted from the council's latest Streetspace update (though the maps are of earlier vintage).

Low-traffic neighbourhood schemes - current status


Fox Lane

"Awaiting feedback from TfL, but a revised design has been developed and Ward Councillors have viewed the revised proposals. Information for residents to be published shortly, with a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback."

Connaught Gardens

connaught gardens quieter neighbourhood map

"Awaiting feedback from TfL, but plans progressing to enable delivery of the Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood project. Ward councillors have been consulted and have informed the design process. Next step is to share the designs with the community and implement a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback."


bowes quieter neighbourhood map

"£100,000 approved by Department for Transport on 27 June 2020. Design proposal has been passed to Ward Cllrs with a design review scheduled for 3 July 2020. Following this, information will be shared with residents, with a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback."

Currently unclear whether Bowes Primary Area refers to the whole area shown on this earlier map, or to a smaller area.

Click here if the table below does not display properly.

Enfield Streetspace update - 29 June 2020

When viewed on a phone this table can be scrolled left to right.

Item Title Type of Intervention Date submitted By Enfield Council Latest Update
Funding Approved
1 A1010 North project completion Strategic Cycling Route 20th May
£1.4m approved on 3rd Jun 20 by TfL to enable substantial completion of this major project by the end of September.
2 Cycle Superhighway 1 Link from the A1010 South major project in Edmonton to Haringey Strategic Cycling Route 21st May
£267,930 approved on 12th Jun 20, for the design and implementation of works to enable safe cycling from the end of the A1010 South to connect with Cycle Superhighway 1 in Haringey (with the route creating a connection to North Middlesex Hospital), for implementation by the end of the summer.
3 Tranche 1 School Streets (12 schools) Low Traffic Neighbourhoods 29th May
£233,000 approved by TfL on 23rd Jun 20. Engagement is ongoing with schools – schools will be fundamental in operating the road closures using temporary barriers. The first 10 schools are confirmed, pending formal agreement by Headteachers*.
4 Angel Walk – walking and cycling project in Edmonton. Strategic Cycling Routes 5th Jun 2020 £150,000 approved by TfL on 12th Jun 20 to enable completion of this project over the summer.
5 Bowes Primary
area Low Traffic
Low Traffic Neighbourhood 5th Jun 2020 £100,000 approved by Department for Transport on 27th June 20. Design proposal has been passed to Ward Cllrs with a design review scheduled for 3rd July 20. Following this, information will be shared with residents, with a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback.
Awaiting approval
6 Fore Street footway widening Social Distancing 18th May
Awaiting a response from TfL but emergency measures implemented.
7 Enfield Town footway widening Social Distancing 21st May
Awaiting a response from TfL but phase 1 emergency measures implemented.
8 Tranche 1 Modal Filters – 10 streets across the Borough Low Traffic Neighbourhoods 22nd May
Awaiting feedback from TfL, but plans progressing to enable delivery of the Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood project as part of these filters. Ward Councillors been consulted and have informed the design process. Next step is to share the designs with the community and implement a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback.
Remaining modal filters in design stage / awaiting Ward Cllr discussion.
9 Fox Lane LTN Low Traffic Neighbourhoods 29th May
Awaiting feedback from TfL, but a revised design has been developed and Ward Councillors have viewed the revised proposals. Information for residents to be published shortly, with a trial starting in the summer. The trial will include a formal consultation where residents can provide detailed feedback.
10 GP Cycle Parking provision Strategic Cycling Routes 29th May
Awaiting feedback from TfL.
11 Temporary Wayfinding Strategic Cycling Routes 29th May
Awaiting feedback from TfL.
12 Increase in 25 residential cycle hangars across the Borough. Strategic Cycling Routes 19th Jun
Awaiting feedback from TfL.
13 Engagement Response – selection of smaller projects in response to community ideas. Social Distancing 19th Jun
Awaiting feedback from TfL.
This project includes the delivery of measures at Winchmore Hill Green to close the slip road and create some temporary licensing space for restaurants. Other areas in the Borough can also be considered for similar approaches.
14 Supporting Activities – a series of measures including training and Dr Bike events to continue to encourage uptake in cycling. Strategic Cycling Routes 19th Jun
Awaiting feedback from TfL.


School streets

*Initial list of school streets. Engagement with schools has already taken place, next step is for formal commitment from school on supporting the road closures at school start and finish. Funding does not enable the implementation of cameras at this time to self-enforce these measures. This is why partnership with the school is critical to the success as school staff will be required to set-out and take down the temporary closure points (similar to a play street operation). The Council will ensure all necessary Traffic Orders are in place and provide the appropriate equipment and guidance

School Name Location Postcode Intake Size
George Spicer Southbury Road, EN1 1YF 840
Raynham Primary School Raynham Avenue N18 2JQ 889
Houndsfield Primary School Ripon Road, Edmonton, London, N9 7RE EN1 4RE 720
Chase Side Primary School Trinity Street EN2 6NS 464
Keys Meadow Primary School 84 Tysoe Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 6FB 441
Worcesters Primary School Goat Lane EN1 4UF 668
Honilands Primary School Lovell Road EN1 4RE 594
Raglan Infant School Wellington Road, Enfield EN1 2NS 449
Enfield Heights Academy Pitfield Way EN3 5BY 188
St Michael's CofE Primary School Brigadier Hill EN2 0NB 445




Covid Streetspace Plan home page

Covid Streetspace Plan 29 June 2020 update

Haringey Streetspace programme

Funding boost for cycle route to link Tottenham and Enfield

Be bold, move fast, says DfT

London: £22m for emergency cycling and walking schemes so far

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Bowes low-traffic neighbourhood update

Basil Clarke

04 Jul 2020 19:15 5399

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On 3rd July deputy council leader Ian Barnes posted the following message on Facebook:

Excellent meeting with Bowes and Southgate Green Councillors and Bambos Charalambous MP concerning the emergency post-Covid Bowes LTN - all sharing their expert knowledge and sensitive needs of the area.

Officers will now go back to the plan to roll in any appropriate comments that need to be acted upon before triple checking the scheme, dotting the i's and crossing the t's and I'll sign off the plan in a couple of weeks so that it can be released.

Also very happy to report that unanimous agreement from Bowes Councillors to pursue a bus gate in the Tranche 2 trial.

"Bus gates" are a type of infrastructure that TfL and DfT are encouraging councils to use when creating low-traffic neighbourhoods. A bus gate, probably using automatic number plate recognition, would allow buses through, but either no cars at all or only cars registered as belonging to people living in the neighbourhood.

"Tranche 2" refers to the second tranche of Covid Streetspace funding from Transport for London that London boroughs will be bidding for. Currently TfL are still allocating Trance 1 funds.

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