As expected, the proposal to open a new betting shop in the Trios building in Green Lanes, on one side of the Triangle, has met with opposition. The Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA) has reacted by organising a demonstration to be held at Palmers Green Triangle between 1.30 and 2.30 on Friday 19th April, and is expecting attendance by local MP David Burrowes and local councillors. GLBA are asking all local residents who are opposed to the new betting shop to attend if able.
Opposition to.......
Notice of an application to convert No 248 Green Lanes into a betting shop has been published in the Legal Notices section of the most recent issue of the Enfield Independent. People falling into specified categories have until 23rd April if they wish to make representations in writing to the London Borough of Enfield Licensing Team, Civic Centre, Silver Street, EN1 3XH. The categories are: a person living sufficiently close to the premises to likely be affected; a person who has a.......
Enfield Council is planning to relocate Palmers Green Library to a prefabricated building to be erected on the southern side of the Lodge Drive car park - it would be close to the rear of the Westlake's hardware shop and near one of the entrances to St Anne's High School.
The Council submitted a planning application (P13-00552PLA) for the single-storey temporary building on 28th February and it will go before the Planning Committee on 23rd April (for details, see this document). The.......
Enfield Council are consulting residents about a proposal to create a new zebra crossing on Bourne Hill, close to the junction with Hoppers Road, between the car wash on the northern side and St John's Church Hall on the southern side. There would be a pedestrian refuge in the middle of the road........
On 11 April Enfield Council announced that it was launching the Cleaner Streets Campaign, aimed at reducing littering, dog fouling, fly tipping and untidy front gardens. At present details are sketchy, but it would appear from the announcement on the Council's website and from an earlier message from the Council Leader that the campaign involves:
cutting the cost of street cleaning by encouraging residents to "clean up after themselves" - to be achieved both by encouraging people to join.......
Serious concerns about a shortage of primary school places for families in their area have been raised by the Fox Lane and District Residents' Association
Enfield Council has revealed that it has begun introducing an energy management system for street lighting throughout the borough which will allow light levels to be varied, with consequent reductions in electricity consumption. The system will be used to switch lights on later in the evening and earlier in the morning, as well as to reduce lighting levels "subtly" - so subtly, in fact, that the Council claims that residents will not notice. About twenty per cent of street lights have already.......
On 3 March Enfield Council officers and representatives of the Broomfield House Working Group met Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) officers to discuss the reasons for the failure of their recent bid for funds to restore Broomfield House. They were told that HLF officers had in fact recommended to the board of the National Heritage Memorial Fund that the bid for £4 million funding should pass the first round of decision-making. In the event, faced with the task of evaluating ten new projects and with.......
Enfield Council has now published the minutes of the Planning Panel meeting held on 28 February to discuss Notting Hill Housing Trust's planning applications for land near the Bowes Road/Telford Road intersection. The minutes record questions and comments made by local residents and councillors, along with the answers provided by the developers. As we reported earlier, the meeting was very well attended - the minutes estimate that 200 members of the public were present - which is indicative of.......
Plans by the Notting Hill Housing Trust to significantly increase the density of housing along the North Circular Road, near the Bowes Road/Telford Road intersection, were discussed at a meeting of Enfield Council's Planning Panel at a packed meeting held on 28 February at the Trinity-at-Bowes Centre.
According to a posting on the Bowes & Bounds United website, opposition to the plans from members of the public appeared to be unanimous. A Bowes Park resident, Nikki Salih, from the Ritz.......
Enfield Council has indicated its approval for a scheme to install new pedestrian refuge islands at two points along Green Lanes - one near Stonard Road in Palmers Green (close to the Catholic church and Intimate Theatre), the other near Radcliffe Road in the centre of Winchmore Hill........