Thank you for joining the Palmers Green Community website.  We hope you'll find membership useful, stimulating and enjoyable.

As a Member, you'll be able to contribute to our forums in two ways:  by providing Information and joining in Discussions (often both at the same time).  For Information to be useful, it needs to be as accurate as we can make it; for Discussions to be fruitful and not just inflame irrational feelings, they need to be conducted in a reasoned and civilised manner.  We also need to ensure that we don't fall foul of the law.  The following House Rules are intended to meet the above requirements.

All people contributing to the forums are required to register using their real names (this does not apply to Usernames for logging in).

We don’t wish to inhibit discussion, so our moderators will whenever possible use a light touch.  If they feel that people have strayed too far from the original topic of a discussion, they will move posts to a more appropriate thread.  If they feel that a discussion is simply going round in circles, they will declare it closed.  If they consider that a discussion between two people is of no interest to other members, they may ask them to use private messages instead.  If they feel that a few words or an image are unacceptable (see below), they may edit them out.  But if they find content that clearly falls under our definition of Unacceptable, they will remove it completely and, depending on the circumstances, may ban a member.

We deem Unacceptable any wording, attached file or linked website that

In addition, we require all members to declare any business or financial interest that they may have in a matter under discussion.

*Some of the wording on this page has been taken, with permission, from the BlogHer website – see