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Help us to raise funds and awareness of Samaritans in the local community through a variety of events and activities.

tin tabernacle bowes parkShaftesbury Hall aka the Tin TabernacleBowes Park is on the verge of having an amazing new community space, as we are at the final stage of a Big Lottery grant application to redevelop Shaftesbury Hall on Herbert Road, London, N11.

If successful, the £500,000 grant will enable the complete redevelopment of Shaftesbury Hall – known locally as the ‘Tin Tabernacle’ - providing new workspaces for the North London Samaritans, and a hall for the whole community to use.

However, to secure the Big Lottery grant, the local community needs to raise more funds. This is where you can help. We need someone who can spend about 6 hours a week working from home to organise events and meetings

If you are interested, please contact Alison Scoltock Chair North London Samaritans at .

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