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studio306The newest addition to our Community Directory is Studio 306, which is a community interest company based in the Chocolate Factory, Wood Green.  Studio 306 helps people to recover from mental health problems by empowering them to use their creativity.  Specialised tutors teach them, helping them to rediscover forgotten skills, learn new ones and boost their confidence in four creative disciplines:

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As a not-for-profit company, all the profits from the sale of products goes straight back into the collective.

Studio 306 products are designed and produced to high commercial standards and are sold in prestigious outlets in the West End, as well as at craft markets and through the online crafts retailer Etsy.  They are also on sale at the annual Open Studios event at the Chocolate Factory, which this year runs from 14th to 16th November.

To find out more about Studio 306 visit its website or watch this short film.

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