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Raising £25,000 to support staff at North Mid during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic is presenting significant challenges to NHS organisations across the country. North Mid has made a number of changes to how we work and run services, in order to keep patients and staff safe, and to ensure our community remains as healthy as possible.

We know that the challenges posed by COVID-19 are going to be a marathon, not a sprint. We are grateful to all our staff, friends and partners, both in the hospital and elsewhere, for their flexibility and dedication, in tackling this emergency.

Our staff need YOUR support to let them be able to focus on keeping patients and themselves safe and healthy.

We are creating a dedicated North Mid COVID-19 Support Fund so that any donations can go to help our staff manage to continue caring for, and protecting, our community.

Thank you, from all of us at Team North Mid.

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