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With less than a fortnight to go before Palmers Green Library closes its doors until autumn 2015, the public will have a chance to find out what the Library will look like and what services will be available after its refurbishment.

pg library interiorEnfield Library and Museum Service are inviting anyone interested in the future of the library to come along to drop-in question and answer sessions on Saturday 12 July 2014 between 2.30 and 4pm and on Tuesday 22 July between 5.30 and 7pm.  At the session on 22nd July a council officer will be available to answer questions about the whole Town Hall/Library redevelopment scheme.

The Library and Museum Service reassure Library users that they should not conclude from the picture shown here that there will be very little space for traditional books.  The picture is an artist's impression designed "to give a feel for the new library and is not indicative of what the library will look like when it re-opens in 2015". The Library Service is  currently tendering for the library fit out, so nothing has been decided.  Enfield Library and Museum Service has to provide a balanced service of traditional books and keep up with ever increasing digital service demands from our customers.

[Article revised to include the picture and information supplied by the Library and Museum Service]

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