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An urgent call to Enfield Gentlemen from Simon Gilbert!

The Enfield Community Singers, a rising star in the local choral firmament, urgently require male singers to augment our already splendid sound. Following another standing ovation at Mount Carmel and St George’s Church in December, the choir is already planning concerts well into the spring of 2015.

However, we are restricted for the more ambitious pieces of music without the strong male base that these pieces require.

So, Gentlemen of Enfield, I address you all. Do NOT be daunted if you haven’t sung for many years; we all started the same way, and just hear how we have grown in under three years. No auditions and no need to sight read, just come along and join some super guys and girls. You’ll be AMAZED at the fun you’ll have. Call me, Simon, on 020 8360 7386 or drop an email to . I’m waiting to hear from you !!!

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