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Delivered in conjunction with the HEET Project, Age UK Enfield is offering free home energy visits to people aged 50 and over living in the London Borough of Enfield.  The service is particularly aimed at older people who are finding it difficult to keep their homes warm and are therefore at risk of cold-related illnesses. This could include people who are struggling to pay their bills, who are in fuel debt, who have no heating, or don’t know how to work their heating controls.

age uk enfieldIn the course of the assessment the experienced HEET surveyor will

If appropriate, the HEET surveyor may be able to refer you for a boiler repair or replacement as well as cavity wall and loft insulation. However, please note that financial limits mean HEET may not be able to do everything in every home. The HEET surveyor creates a package of the most cost-effective work to make each home warm and safe.

For a free home energy check please contact us on 020 8375 4123   Please provide as much information as possible about your circumstances as well as full contact information.

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