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The campaign group Living Streets has issued an open invitation to the UK's first Walking Summit, which will be held in Finsbury Square (near Moorgate station) on Saturday 18th March.

Val Shawcross, CBE, Deputy Mayor of London for Transport, will outline her vision for walking in London and share her learnings on creating walking cities with the summit.

Ben Still, Managing Director of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, will draw on his experience with WYCA and the Urban Transport Group to discuss how we can work together to create walking cities.

Places are free (including lunch) but limited, so you need to book.

walking summit

Why a Walking Summit?

Our cities should be designed around people not vehicles.

We want to get more people walking more often on streets that are fit for walking.

Creating walking cities will cut air pollution and congestion and at the same time improve health and quality of life for people living and working in towns and cities across the UK.

Now is the time to call for walking cities in the run-up to mayoral and local elections in May 2017.

More information and booking form

Living Streets began as the Pedestrians' Association in 1929 and had early campaigning successes when speed limits in built-up areas were brought in in 1934 (all speed limits had been abolished in 1930, leading to an increase in road deaths) and in 1935 when zebra crossings and belisha beacons were introduced.

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