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The Consortium of Friends of Enfield's Parks has launched a public campaign in opposition to Enfield Council's plan to leave pedestrian gates to parks unlocked overnight.

The Consortium is asking people to sign an online petition which reads as follows:

Enfield Council is planning to withdraw all night locking from 22 parks in the borough. If implemented,the pedestrian gates of those parks that have always been locked would be left open all night.

This decision has caused alarm amongst local Friends of Parks groups and concern to residents, especially those with homes that back on to parks, who fear they will be exposed to intruders at night.

We the undersigned urge Enfield Council to think again, give proper regard to the safety ofpersons and valuable community assets, and drop the blanket proposal to stop locking its parks at night.

Issued on behalf of the Consortium of Friends of Enfield Parks.

To sign the petition, visit the Consortium's new website.

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Karl Brown posted a reply
16 Mar 2015 11:44
Yesterday The Sunday Times announced they had "started a petition to keep London parks open at night." Just shows how things are inevitably never b&w.