pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Question 1.  What do think is good about the area?

Good – vibrant mixed community

Question 2.  What do you think is less good about the area?

Less good – can be shabby in places

Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area?

Improve – tidier streets, less empty shops

Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic

Traffic – too much traffic, too fast – deters pedestrians

Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking

Parking – too high but residential parking is essential but should be free or minimal cost

Question 4c. Specific aspects – clutter

Clutter – too much pavement clutter

Question 4d. Specific aspects – look of the shops/architecture

Look of shops – buildings esp. residential are v. attractive but many of the shops can look shabby

Question 4e. Specific aspacts – type and range of shops

Type / range of shops – more locally run shops including good clothes, books, music and small boutiques and nice delis / food shops. Less fast food shops

Question 4f. Specific aspects – amount and use of pavement space

Pavement space – there should be more bins for recycling / litter etc

Question 4g. Specific aspects – the Triangle public space

Triangle – should be used for something – it is wasted at the moment. Could be made more attractive / more of a focal point

Question 4h. Specific aspects – Greenery

Greenery – more please! Would be good at the triangle

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