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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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[Green Lanes Business Association Survey]

Question 1.  What do think is good about the area?

Good – friendly, cheerful, busy, energetic, good facilities – we need more trees to retain rural feel, people need to preserve greenery and front gardens

Question 2.  What do you think is less good about the area?

Less good – too urbanised, need more green and trees, noise from too many ?? extractors ?? some traffic and parking problems

Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area?

Improve – discourage food outlets, we have too many take-aways hence too much litter, need greater variety of shops, men and children wear, a shop to replace Woolworths. We need a butchers, and a garden shop, we used to have a fabric shop.

Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic

Traffic – people ie mothers with children should walk kids to school such as Hazelwood and Broomfield to ease congestion. London is very overcrowded compared to the 70’s.

Traffic (hedge lane) – bring back the W2 bus which went from Enfield to Finsbury Park in one easy journey

Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking

Supports ½ hr free parking. Doesn’t have a car so I walk but possible free parking will stop people parking on the pavement.

Doesn’t support Sunday parking charges. The day of relative rest doesn’t stop people shopping. They can walk.

Question 4c. Specific aspects – clutter

Clutter – there is too much street furniture and what happened to the tree for the Triangle, the real one to replace previous ?? ancient ?? tree.

Question 4d. Specific aspects – look of the shops/architecture

Look of shops – there is a hole in various roofs. The high street look is good. Old buildings need to be preserved to keep area ??????, unique features to be preserved.

Question 4e. Specific aspacts – type and range of shops

Type of shops – a greater variety needed, no more nail shops PLEASE, how about clothing, shops like ????, bookshop, video fair, bring back video fair DVD shop, internet café

Question 4f. Specific aspects – amount and use of pavement space

Pavements – we need more trees and less street furniture

Question 4g. Specific aspects – the Triangle public space

Triangle – the Triangle needs a replacement tree, a ??? tree helps the air and people feel calm and happy with trees, A REAL TREE and a bench.

Question 4h. Specific aspects – Greenery

Planters – yes, yes, more please, more green,. This was always a green Borough. Businesses could help towards cost of plants and trees and street benches

Any other comments

Other – people to shop locally as only that will help the general economic downturn. There is a global recession but if people support their local area its better. I would be happy to help clean litter if I could do so in a group

Please freeholders, ask less rent and less businesses will fold.

We need a good variety, a bigger Smiths


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