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Pinkham Way

Councillors urged to review mega-incinerator project and waste plan

11 March 2020

Councillors in seven north London boroughs have this week received letters urging them to radically re-think the plan for processing the area's waste and to put on hold and review the planned construction of a huge new incinerator in Edmonton.

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Preserving the Pinkham Way woodlands - a new appeal

08 October 2019

The long drawn out process of finalising the North London Waste Plan is continuing. The next important stage - the examination in public by the planning inspector - is scheduled for November. Its outcome has the potential to determine whether or not a waste processing plant is built on an important nature conservation site - the woodlands adjacent to the Pinkham Way section of the North Circular Road.

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Sign before 10th April to safeguard the Pinkham Way nature conservation site

27 March 2019

The Pinkham Way Alliance is urging people to sign online in support of its response to the draft North London Waste Plan (NLWP). Their submission calls for removal of the Pinkham Way nature conservation site (close to the Enfield/Barnet/Haringey borough boundaries) from a list of potential sites for new waste processing facilities.

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Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site

31 October 2018

Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site from industrial development

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Call to action to protect a local nature conservation site

17 October 2018

As part of their long-running fight to protect a nature conservation site from industrial development, the Pinkham Way Alliance have this week called for all supporters to fill the public gallery at a meeting on Thursday evening.

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Pinkham Way campaigners celebrate a major step forward

21 May 2017

Pinkham Way will be removed from Haringey's 'Site Allocations' - the Council admitted at the hearing that it wasn't needed for its employment strategy. So, potential developers will no longer be able to argue that a development's benefit (i.e. its contribution to the borough's employment needs) outweighs the harm to nature conservation. This is a very big win indeed for residents.

How you can help the Pinkham Way campaigners

07 January 2017

The Pinkham Way Allliance (PWA) is asking its supporters to sign up to be represented by the Alliance in the ongoing London Borough of Haringey's Local Plan Main Modifications public consultation. The PWA has written a response to the main modifications document which is aimed at overturning Haringey Council's insistence that the Pinkham Way site continue to be allocated as a potential employment site.  Quite apart from the fact that it poses a threat to an ecologically valuable site and.......

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Pinkham Way campaign: Good news and bad...

04 December 2016

The Pinkham Way Alliance has issued a campaign update to its supporters, coupled with a suggestion of how people can help reduce the scandalous waste of food that occurs in London.   First news on the results of the hearing Do you want the good news, or the bad news? I’ve got both, arising from the hearing in front of the Planning Inspector in August. To recap, she examined aspects of Haringey’s Local Plan. The Council had included Pinkham Way in its ‘Site.......

Pinkham Way Alliance supporters fill the public gallery

02 September 2016

Karl Brown was in the public gallery to listen in during the examination in public of part of the Haringey Local plan dealing with the Pinkham Way nature conservation site (for background see this page on the Haringey Council website and this appeal from the Pinkham Way Alliance). A full gallery heard from Haringey Council, the NLWA and Turleys acting for the PWA. Previously extensive written submissions, together with a call for more detail on some specific aspects (available on the PWA.......

Pinkham Way: Waste plant threat returns

24 August 2016

Campaigners seeking to protect a nature conservation site next to the North Circular Road are appealing to supporters to fill the public galleries at a planning meeting next Wednesday afternoon. The Pinkham Way Alliance has learnt to its dismay that the North London Waste Authority has revived its previously abandoned plan to use the woodland adjacent to Pinkham Way as a potential site for a residual waste processing plant. The meeting next week will be examining the draft Haringey Local.......

Campaigners submit detailed evidence to prevent development of Pinkham Way open land

27 March 2016

The Pinkham Way Alliance (PWA) has published the text of its detailed submission to Haringey Council in response to the public consultation on Haringey Local Plan documents.  Its representations are aimed at preventing development of open land which was once the site of the Friern Barnet Sewage Works site at Pinkham Way, adjacent to the North Circular Road and Muswell Hill Golf Course. In its draft planning documents Haringey is designating the land both as a Site of Importance for Nature.......

Pinkham Way campaigners asking for signatures

17 February 2016

The Pinkham Way Alliance are asking for a simple action from members of the public who share the Alliance's concerns about the potential development of Pinkham Wood as a waste processing site or for other industrial use. By signing online, you can officially associate yourself with the submission which the PWA is making to Haringey Council.   HARINGEY LOCAL PLAN: STRATEGIC POLICIES REVIEW 2016REGULATION 19 CONSULTATION We’ve come such a long way in this campaign; we.......

Pinkham Way campaigners accuse council of burying inconvenient evidence

11 November 2015

The Chair of the Pinkham Way Alliance (PWA) has written to Haringey Council's cabinet member for planning policy to complain about suppression and misrepresentation of evidence which contradicts the Council's policy of classifying woodland at Pinkham Way as suitable for employment use. In his letter dated 5th November 2015 Stephen Brice writes that the PWA has come to the view that its evidence "is so inconvenient for the Council that there has been a systematic attempt to bury it". The.......

Pinkham Way Alliance publishes its input to waste plan consultation

11 October 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance has now published the response it submitted to the consultation about the North London Waste Plan.  Following a fundraising campaign, the Alliance was able to employ a planning consultancy, Turley, to present arguments against the allocation of Pinkham Wood as a potential site for waste processing, and, more generally, to question the draft Waste Plan's assumptions about future waste volumes and required processing throughput. The Response and associated.......

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Pinkham Way campaigners issue urgent appeal to respond to consultation

24 September 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance is asking supporters to sign an online form supporting the Alliance's response to the current consultation about the North London Waste Plan. By signing, you confirm that you are happy for the PWA to represent your views. The deadline to add your name is 5pm on Tuesday 29th September 2015. The Alliance has been campaigning to preserve an ecologically valuable green space adjacent to the North Circular Road and prevent construction of a waste processing facility on the.......

Pinkham Way campaigners help monitor North Circ pollution levels

29 July 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance, which is campaigning against industrial use of a nature conservation site adjacent to the North Circular Road, is participating in a London-wide study into air quality.  If the monitoring confirms that the air near this stretch of the A406 is already very seriously polluted, this will help strengthen the campaigners' arguments against use of the site for processing household and industrial waste, which would inevitably result in even more lorry traffic along the.......

Pinkham Way campaigners report back on Haringey Council meeting

21 July 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance has issued the following message about what happened at last week's meeting of Haringey Council. As Stephen Brice says, the new draft of the North London Waste Plan (PDF, 9MB) does include Pinkham Way in its list of proposed future waste sites - though it refers to the site as the "Friern Barnet Sewage Works" - something which has not existed for a very long time! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!.......

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Pinkham Way Alliance call for maximum turnout at Haringey Council meeting

11 July 2015

Latest Pinkham Way Alliance briefing - July 2015   North London Waste Plan – to be considered by Haringey on Tuesday, July 14th .   The draft plan is going through the 7 Councils’ Cabinets/Committees . It is  being considered/approved for  consultation, which will start at the end of July and finish end-September. This is still quite an early stage –  adoption of the plan is not scheduled until Autumn 2017, so there’s plenty of excitement.......

A new threat to Pinkham Wood, as the Edmonton incinerator consultation nears its end

25 June 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance has today sent an urgent message to its supporters warning of a new threat to Pinkham Wood.   HERE WE GO AGAIN... I’m very sorry to have to inform you that plans for a huge waste plant at Pinkham Way are back. This is a very serious turn of events, and on Tuesday 14 July, we must briefly attend a council meeting in Wood Green to let Haringey know how angry we are. ANOTHER WASTE PLANT?! Barnet Council aims to relocate its 6-acre Cricklewood Waste.......

Pinkham Way campaigners continue to defend woodland and raise serious questions about planned new Edmonton incinerator

04 April 2015

In a recent message to its supporters the Pinkham Way Alliance (PWA) provided an update on its continuing fight on two fronts:  on the one hand, it is still campaigning to prevent, or at any rate minimise, the development of Pinkham Wood;  on the other hand, it continues to oppose what it considers overly grandiose plans by the North London Waste Authority for future waste incinerator capacity. Pinkham Wood The land referred to as Pinkham Wood is adjacent to the Pinkham Way section.......

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