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Trent Park

Delving into Trent Park's top secret history

11 August 2023

Ahead of the opening of a museum in part of the historic mansion at its heart, projects to carry out further in-depth research into Trent Park's vital World War 2 intelligence-gathering role are already yielding results. In parallel, an interactive project to teach local children about the activities of the 'secret listeners' is being readied for roll-out across Enfield schools.

Helping new generations discover the fascinating history of Trent Park

17 May 2023

News about interactive sessions delving intoTrent Park's past being developed for local schools, plus a potted history of the mansion.

Trent Park House recruiting volunteers for oral history project

08 February 2023

The Trent Park House Trust will be running an oral history project during 2023 and is keen to contact people with a personal connection to the house. The Trust is also recruiting volunteers to interview people and record their memories.

Trent Park Mansion application goes to Planning Committee

12 July 2017

Following three public consultations and discussions with Enfield planning officers, the planning application for the redevelopment of the former Middlesex University campus in Trent Park will go before the Planning Committee on Tuesday 18th July. Berkeley Homes are applying to refurbish the mansion and some other historic buildings, demolish most of the more recent former university buildings and create a total of 262 residential units. A notable inclusion in the plans is the reservation of.......

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Trent Park redevelopment: Minutes of public planning panel meeting

14 December 2016

The minutes of the planning panel to discuss the redevelopment proposals for Trent Park mansion and former university campus are now available on the council website and include some useful information about the project. The purpose of the meeting was to receive a briefing on the proposals, to provide local residents and other interested parties the opportunity to ask questions about the application and for the applicants, officers and Panel Members to listen to the reactions and comments........

Arrangements for commenting on Trent Park planning application and attending public planning committee meeting

11 November 2016

Enfield Council has sent out a "neighbour letter" with information about how to comment on Berkeley Homes' planning application for development of Trent Park mansion and the former university campus. The Council letter also asks anyone wishing to attend the public Planning Panel Meeting to register in advance and provide details of interests/questions. Read the Trent Park Neighbour.......

Trent Park planning application submitted

08 November 2016

Berkeley Homes have submitted a planning application for their scheme to build housing on the former Middlesex University campus in Trent Park. The application is listed thus: 16/04324/FUL  |  Phased redevelopment of site to provide a total of 262 residential units (134 apartments, 128 houses, including 18 affordable units) with museum, cafe and leisure uses, ancillary parking, vehicle and pedestrian access routes and cycle ways, involving the demolition of Bevan Hall, Lakeview,.......

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Helen Lederer's family history - the Trent Park connection

07 November 2016

Actress Helen Lederer's grandfather fled to Britain from Czechoslovakia to escape the Nazis.  Save Trent Park have posted a clip from the TV series War Hero in my Family in which she finds out about other relatives who failed to escape and about her grandfather's role as a Secret Listener at Trent Park........

Announcement by Councillor Jason Charalambous

30 September 2016

TRENT PARK MUSEUM: BREAKTHROUGH Two years since launching the Save Trent Park campaign, I am delighted to announce that we have succeeded in our objectives - a substantial Museum looks set to be established within the historic mansion house! Berkeley Homes have agreed to hand over the ground floor and basement of the listed mansion to the  Trent Park MuseumTrust we have just established - pending  approval of their planning application which has just been submitted to  Enfield.......

Trent Park museum campaigners celebrate a victory!

30 September 2016

The campaign to turn part of the Trent Park Mansion into a museum has made some very significant progress towards its goal. The planning application submitted earlier this month by Berkeley Homes envisages most of the ground floor and basement being reserved for public use - a museum, cafeteria and rooms for hire. The museum would celebrate the mansion's notable role in WW2 intelligence collection and its previous history as an aristocratic residence. That Berkeley have eventually agreed to set.......

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Trent Park's wartime role

03 August 2016

The campaign to create a museum in part of the Trent Park mansion is continuing.  So far more than 3800 people have signed an online petition which has the goal of persuading the Berkeley Group to set aside a sufficiently large area within the building for a museum that would truly do justice to the important subject of the mansion's World War II intelligence gathering role. If you missed the TV programme broadcast earlier this week on More 4, it's also available on youTube (see.......

Trent Park owners reveal more detail of their evolving plans

24 May 2016

The company that owns the former university campus in Trent Park is hoping to create 245 new homes on the site.  It is willing for part of the historic mansion to be used as a museum, but campaigners are disappointed with the amount of space the company is willing to allocate to this purpose.  There will be a public meeting about the campaign for a museum on 16th June. The Emerging Masterplan Berkeley Homes revealed details of how their ideas for development of the former campus are.......

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Trent Park owners respond to petition

27 April 2016

The owners of the former university campus in Trent Park have published a response to the online petition which calls for the creation of a museum in the mansion and continued public access to the grounds of the former campus. The statement issued by the Berkeley Group can be read below.  It includes assurances that there will be a museum and that public access will be available not just to the grounds, but also - for the first time - to part of the mansion.  However, the statement.......

Trent Park campaigners launch a new petition

08 April 2016

The Save Trent Park campaign has this week launched a new petition asking the owners of the mansion and former university site to set up a museum in the mansion to marks its vital top secret role during World War II. The campaign fears that the new owners, the Berkeley Group, intend to divide the mansion up into private apartments, which would prevent public access. The online petition, addressed to the Berkeley Group and to Enfield Council, the planning authority, is asking for the.......

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Update on Trent Park redevelopment consultation

01 April 2016

The property developer Berkeley has published an update on the progress of the public consultation about redevelopment of the former university campus in Trent Park, including the historic Trent Park Mansion.  The updates summarises comments received at the consultation event in February.  A further consultation event will be held in late April. The text below should be read in conjunction with the Consultation Boards used at the February event.  The aerial view below shows the.......

Guided walks in Trent Park during 2016

11 February 2016

The voluntary group Black Rainbow Events have published their programme of guided walks for 2016.  All walks are either within Trent Park or start or finish there. Trent Park History and MysterySunday 20th March 201610:00am till 12:30pmDistance: no more than 3 miles Trent Park Link Walk (Trent Park to Arnos Park)Sunday 17th April 201610:00am till 2:00pmDistance: no more than 6 miles The Beauty of Nature RevealedSunday 22nd May 201610:00am till 12:30pmDistance: no more than 3 miles The.......

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Council sets up Trent Park Mansion Working Group

19 June 2015

Following statement appeared was posted on the Enfield Council websitewebsite and dated 17th June. Enfield Council sets up Trent Park Mansion Working Group The Council has set up a cross party councillor Working Group to work with the Receiver tasked with finding a buyer for the Trent Park Mansion building. The Group will be meeting the Receiver shortly to emphasise that the views of the local community should be taken into account in any development proposals that come forward in the future........

Trent Park campaigners warn that Council delay may jeopardise future of mansion

22 April 2015

Save Trent Park campaigners are warning that delay by Enfield Council in registering the Park's historic mansion as an Asset of Community Value is jeopardising its future.  They fear that the former university campus might be sold to an  private developer at any moment, before registration is complete. Registration as an ACV would give the campaign a six-month breathing space, during which time it could seek a buyer for the campus who would be willing to guarantee the conditions voted.......

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