Thanks Mark for another very interesting post. Can I take issue? I can't agree your point 1, regarding it as unreasonable that Bowes LTN residents should not hope for better access than via the N Circ, on the grounds that[…]
Read more...In the context of David’s post, it is understandable that long-time activists against low-traffic initiatives would back the petition, for they will have a clear-eyed view of it as a vehicle to challenge an LTN. But – as I have[…]
Read more...Having responded to Mark, a quick response to David Beadle, if I may. I don't know whether David has the benefit of being in an LTN. David writes "And the petition (and many public consultations) make it very clear that[…]
Read more...I welcome Mark's comments, as a fellow resident and car-owner in the Bowes LTN. It is very important that views both for and against a suggested change are heard. Almost by definition, any change affecting some thousands of people will[…]
Read more...They do so understand what an LTN is, and this one and many others have very conspicuously failed to incentivise any switch from private car to more sustainable travel modes: you only have to look at the multiple large cars[…]
Read more...As a Bowes LTN resident (and car driver and cyclist), living in New Southgate ward, I find the so-called ‘13 Roads’ petition to exempt local residents from ANPR restrictions deeply flawed. The effect, in a nutshell, would be the semi-privatisation[…]
Read more...[Original article] Article not displaying properly? Click here A call by residents of a low-traffic neighbourhood to drive past a camera-controlled filter point was discussed at a council meeting this week. A petition signed by 1,683 people living in the[…]
Read more...Even if the council were able to meet the house building targets there is an issue which I have seen reported in other boroughs where several schemes are at an advanced stage of construction where the national or local power[…]
Read more...Readers George and Maria Panayi have launched a petition on complaining that Enfield Council is not providing adequate street cleaning. For five years since the current Enfield council administration, our borough has become a dirty shadow of its former[…]
Read more...Dieter Kaiser from Goch in Germany has been in touch trying to find the address of a house in Farndale Avenue, Palmers Green, that he visited in 1986. At the time a friend named Chris Billington lived there. If you[…]
Read more...The Enfield Society have published reports about the Enfield Local Plan hearings at the Civic Centre. Week 1 report Week 2 report
Read more...I just wanted to give my support to this campaign having been involved in a previous one back in December 2020 which was initiated by a cross-party group of Enfield councillors including Cllr Maria Alexandrou, Cllr Dinah Barry and Cllr[…]
Read more...Apologies for repeating some things from my earlier post - this new post was written primarily for this week's weekly newsletter. This Thursday is the last of six days of hearings for the first stage of the Examination in Public[…]
Read more...[Original article] Article not displaying properly? Click here To mark Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, we feature a "Public Cervix Announcement" by Nightingale Cancer Support, while Healthwatch Enfield launch an online survey designed to find out why the uptake of screening[…]
Read more...James Cracknell reports on Thursday's second session of the examination in public of the Enfield Local Plan. Council admits it won’t be able to meet London Plan housing target for Enfield His report on the first day of the hearings:[…]
Read more...What I have seen of this scheme so far looks good and seems to benefit everybody travelling around the centre of Enfield town regardless of the way they make their journey. However, one issue that wasn't addressed (and not sure[…]
Read more...Maybe my tastes are a little eccentric, but I listened to several hours of the first day of the examination in public with fascination. Two things I'd like to draw attention to: First, it's not out of the question that[…]
Read more...[Original article] Article not displaying properly? Click here A ribbon-cutting ceremony this Saturday will mark the formal completion of the first phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood project. The new Saddlers Square is named after the Saddlers Mill Stream,[…]
Read more...Day one of the hearing, potentially the beginning of the end of Enfield’s plan’s seven-year quest, was memorable for you-tube watchers to see subtitles occasionally appearing on screen BEFORE the speaker projected the words. AI breaking yet new frontiers I[…]
Read more...[Original article] Article not displaying properly? Click here Following the submission by the council of its draft Enfield Local Plan, the government-appointed planning inspector, Steven Lee, will be holding the first series of hearings for the Examination in Public between[…]
Karl Brown
15 Jul 2022 10:06 6506
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