pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Question 1. What do think is good about the area?

I've lived here for 17 years and seen a lot of changes.

Friendly, I always bump into friends along the main road. Some good shops and cafes. I like the charity shops for books. Library good even though not central. Art shop.

I use the Shape gym at least 3 times a week. I feel safe at night walking along the streets.

Question 2. What do you think is less good about the area?

Closed shops with nothing in the window. Betting shops with desperate people hanging around them. Getting very crowded and I notice a large proportion of youngish men without families hanging around and in cafes all day. More rubbish.

Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area?

Do something constructive with empty shops.

Look at: Empty Shops Network for ideas.

 Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic

Green lanes difficult to cross. The 2 sides seem too separate.

Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking

- I walk usually and don't park unless dropping off charity bags.

Question 4c. Specific aspects – clutter

Some new street lights were put in the middle of the pavement.

 Question 4d. Specific aspects – look of the shops/architecture

Some new shops badly designed and give the area a run-down look (cheap shop next to Shape gym)

Some really beautiful old buildings above shops. We should be encouraged to look up.

Question 4e. Specific aspacts – type and range of shops

Too many betting shops - attract wrong type. Too many nail bars. Baskerville cafe well designed and attractive. Post office run-down and very dirty. But at least it's still open.

Question 4g. Specific aspects – the Triangle public space

I really miss the tree

Any other comments

Historic treasures like Grouts now lost forever - we don't look after what we have

Have you seen Exhibition Rd where the museums in London are? Cars and people share the area. A very daring idea. Why can't we be pioneers and experiment with ideas like this? Take over the street. There are loads of articles and info. on this and I've been there.

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