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Road safety

My Liveable London gets personal

23 April 2018

The My Liveable London campaign has moved into a new phase - asking everyone who supports its aims to email all candidates standing in their ward urging them to respond positively to the campaign's challenge to local politicians. Help make a city where everyone can walk and cycle safely and happily. Imagine a truly Liveable London. A city where: It’s enjoyable to walk and cycle your local trips You can breathe fresh air on streets free from congestion Children can safely.......

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Joining forces to challenge local politicians to create My Liveable London

10 April 2018

In the run up to the council elections on 3rd May two organisations that campaign for a fresh approach to London's streets have come together to set out a challenge for party leaders in each of London's 32 boroughs. London Living Streets, who seek better streets for pedestrians, are combining forces with the London Cycle Campaign, who, unsurprisingly, would like pleasanter and safer conditions for people riding bikes in London. They are calling their joint campaign My Liveable London and they want boroughs to create more "low traffic neighbourhoods".

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Cycle Enfield: Just what our top doctors order

27 March 2018

Updated guidance published by the UK's top authority on improving health and social care calls on local authorities to prioritise walking, cycling and public transport over private cars.  Recommended measures include re-allocating road space by widening pavements and installing cycle lanes, closing roads and reducing vehicle speeds. The fact that the Cycle Enfield and Quieter Neighbourhood programmes are designed to do just that is no coincidence.  Over the last few years Government.......

Serious collision in Green Lanes

30 January 2018

If you were wondering why buses were diverted away from Green Lanes on Tuesday early evening, this photo shows part of the aftermath of a collision.  The location is on the eastern side of Green Lanes next to Deadmans Bridge and there was an ambulance nearby. <?php$ogImage = 'images/2018/crashed_car.jpg';include.......

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Navigating the Hostile Streets of Outer London

02 January 2018

Hostile Streets - Walking and Cycling at Outer London Junctions was published by the Greater London Authority's Transport Committee at the end of November. Shortly afterwards I went along to a meeting of Islington Living Streets to see a presentation about the report given by Caroline Russell. Caroline Russell is one of two Green Party Assembly Members (AMs) and is a member of the Transport Committee. She was the Rapporteur for this particular study, which was carried out at her initiative........

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The enormous costs - personal and financial - of fast traffic in towns

17 December 2017

"If we could reduce speed limits to 20mph in these built-up areas then anybody who's got children, anybody who works with children, anybody who sees what we see, would have to be supporting us." Words spoken by a surgeon at Birmingham Children's Hospital as part of a video telling a true story.  Along with a policeman, an ambulance driver, a parent and the young victim of a road traffic collision, she makes the unanswerable case for 20mph limits on urban roads........

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Road Safety Week 2017: Speed Down Saves Lives

19 November 2017

In the UK speeding is still a major problem. It causes needless crashes, untold suffering and stops people living safe and healthy lives. Driving is unpredictable and if something unexpected happens on the road ahead – such as a child stepping out from between parked cars – it is a driver’s speed that will determine whether they can stop in time and, if they can’t stop, how hard they will hit. Yet newer vehicles are more powerful than ever before and reach high speeds.......

Clampdown on A10 speeding and other forms of anti-social behaviour

14 November 2017

A multiagency "clampdown" on A10 speeding is planned, including the use of a PSPO to break up "car cruising meets" Public responses to the proposed package of PSPO measures have been highly supportive and they are likely to be introduced A10 anti-speeding measures Enfield Council, the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London (TfL) have agreed a coordinated package of measures designed to address the problem of motorists speeding and driving dangerously along the A10, starting with the.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods under attack

08 November 2017

Clare Rogers of Better Streets for Enfield defends the Quieter Neighbourhood schemes against attacks by opponents of Cycle Enfield.

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Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood: What Better Streets think of the proposals

08 November 2017

Better Streets for Enfield have posted some comments about the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood proposals on their website (republished below).  These are not yet finalised, they may take on board any useful comments. Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood plans The Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood consultation is open, showing some innovative and promising ideas. You can see the plans and respond here, while the technical drawings are here – the closing date is 26 November. The map in the Fox.......

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Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood proposals published

01 November 2017

Details of  proposed measures to create the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood were published this morning.  Like last week's plans for the Fernleigh Road QN, they take a holistic approach to reducing vehicle speeds along side roads throughout the large area covered, which stretches from Palmers Green Triangle nearly all the way to Southgate Circus. Some of the traffic calming measures are familiar from the three previous QN proposals:  speed humps (confined to Fox Lane itself), road.......

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Do bus driver working conditions pose a serious threat to public safety?

21 October 2017

A recently published article by "Bus Driver U" describes what the author sees as serious safety failings in the way that bus services are regulated by TfL and run by bus operators.  The article includes a link to another describing a campaign for safer bus operations in London launched by an American businessman who was the victim of near-fatal collision on Oxford Street. The anonymous driver's article  - Bus Driver Fatigue—A TfL-Contracted Killer on London’s Roads? - is.......

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Council proposing borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order to tackle anti-social behaviour

31 August 2017

In an attempt to reduce certain forms of "anti-social behaviour" Enfield Council is proposing to introduce a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). The proposed PSPO would prohibit a wide range of activities or behaviour considered to be "unacceptable". A public consultation is under way until 18 September 2017.

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Low-traffic neighbourhoods

22 July 2017

Clare Rogers makes the case for low-traffic neighbourhoods. This article was originally published on the Better Streets for Enfield website. Would you let your child or grandchild play out on your street? Do you feel able to ride a bike around your neighbourhood? Or does the traffic put you off? For many of us, streets in our residential areas have become conduits for through traffic, rather than places where residents can walk, cycle, meet or play. Yet in countries like the Netherlands,.......

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Not just these cars, but their drivers too are out of control

17 May 2017

This week there have been two instances in Palmers Green of cars mounting the pavement and causing damage.  Fortunately, it seems that in neither case were there any injuries to people walking along the pavement - but if there had been, they would probably have been killed or seriously injured. The first incident happened in Fox Lane on Sunday evening. After hitting and wrecking a parked car, the car that was out of control ended up damaging railings adjacent to the railway bridge. .......

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Parents petition for road safety measures near Oakthorpe Primary School

28 January 2017

The parent of a child at Oakthorpe Primary School is petitioning Enfield Council to improve pedestrian safety in the vinicity of the school, which is Tile Kiln Lane, near the junction with Chequers Way. The online petition, on, reads as follows: Produce adequate road safety for Oakthorpe Primary School before a child is injured. My child has been attending Oakthorpe Primary School on Tile Kiln Lane since September 2015 and very early on I noticed that there was a major problem.......

This week is Road Safety Week

21 November 2016

Road Safety Week is the UK's biggest road safety event, coordinated annually by Brake and involving thousands of schools, organisations and communities each year. Brake is a road safety charity that works to prevent road death and injury, make streets and communities safer, and supports the victims of road crashes. Brake founded Road Safety Week in 1997 as an annual event to raise awareness about road safety and promote steps that everyone can take to stop these needless deaths and.......

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Surprise breakfast for bike lane builders

15 October 2016

Roadworks aren't usually popular with residents. So workers in Ridge Avenue, Winchmore Hill, had a surprise on Friday morning when local parents came to say “Thank you for the bike lanes”, bringing with them a cooked breakfast. Palmers Green residents Clare Rogers, Claire Brady and Maggie Westhead, who all have children at schools in the borough, brought bacon rolls, pastries, tea, coffee and fruit juice for the workers' 10am tea break. They also displayed a homemade “Thank.......

A105 cycle lanes scheme: Road safety audit published

28 July 2016

The Stage 1 Road Safety Audit for the A105 cycle lanes scheme has now been published.  The auditors, from Transport for London (TfL), have indicated that they are satisfied with the responses to all the safety issues that they raised.  Unfortunately, the auditors did not comment on hazards for pedestrians crossing roads at the Green Lanes/Hedge Lane/Bourne Hill junction, presumably because their terms of reference state that "Safety Audit is not intended to identify pre-existing.......

Public consultation: Proposals to increase penalties for using a mobile phone while driving

24 February 2016

The Department for Transport seeks feedback on proposed changes to penalties for the offence of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for increasing the fixed penalty notice (FPN) level from £100 to £150 for all drivers. It also invites views on increasing the penalty points from: 3 to 4 points for non-HGV drivers 3 to 6 points for those that hold a large goods vehicle (HGV) licence and commit the offence whilst driving.......

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