Free inclusive tennis for teens and adults
Saturday 22 February 12.30pm - 1.30pm
Mayfield Tennis & Sports Club, 1 Kenmare Gardens, N13 5DR
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Talkies Community Cinema: Chuck Chuck Baby
Saturday 22 February 7.30pm
Waterhouse Hall, 77 Compton Road, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NU
Palmers Greenery Community Café open
Sunday 23 February 9.30am - 3.00pm
Palmers Greenery Community Café, Broomfield Park, Aldermans Hill, N13 4PL
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Join Friends of Tottenhall Rec for a hedge planting session
Sunday 23 February 10.00am - 12.00pm
Tottenhall Recreation Ground, Tottenhall Road N13 6LH
Broomfield Conservatory open
Sunday 23 February 2.00pm - 4.00pm
The Conservatory, Broomfield Park, N13 4PZ
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Broomfield Community Orchard open
Sunday 23 February 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Community Orchard, Broomfield Park, N13 4PZ
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
All-ability cycling hub for adults
Monday 24 February 10.00am - 3.00pm
Bush Hill Park, Lincoln Road, Enfield, EN1 1PS
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Active Enfield: Nordic walking in Grovelands Park
Monday 24 February 10.00am - 11.00am
Grovelands Park
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Bounce & Rhyme @ PG Library (up to 18mo)
Monday 24 February 10.00am - 10.30am
Palmers Green Library, Broomfield Lane, N13 4EY
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Palmers Greenery Community Café open
Monday 24 February 11.00am - 3.00pm
Palmers Greenery Community Café, Broomfield Park, Aldermans Hill, N13 4PL
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Weekly Knit & Natter
Tuesday 25 February 10.00am - 12.00pm
Kiva Cafe, Green Lanes, N13 5TW
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Winchmore Folk Dance Club
Tuesday 25 February 10.00am - 12.00pm
Waterhouse Hall, 77 Compton Road, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NU
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Palmers Greenery Community Café open
Tuesday 25 February 11.00am - 3.00pm
Palmers Greenery Community Café, Broomfield Park, Aldermans Hill, N13 4PL
Repeating event (weekly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Postnatal wellbeing session at the Dugdale
Wednesday 26 February 1.30pm - 2.30pm
Dugdale Arts Centre, London Road, Enfield Town EN2 6DS
Repeating event (monthly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Donate your old or unused bike to a charity that helps refugees and asylum seekers get around
Thursday 27 February until Saturday 1 March
St John Vianney Church, 370 West Green Road N15 3QL
The Arts Society Enfield: John Singer Sargent: The Private Radical
Thursday 27 February 10.30am
Enfield Baptist Church, Cecil Road, EN2 6TG
Repeating event (monthly). Later occurrences are not shown in this list.
Creative Co-Working at Arbeit Studios
Thursday 27 February 10.30am - 1.30pm
Arbeit Studio & Gallery Space, Rear of 310 Green Lanes N13 5TT
Bowes Park Month of Folk: Open rehearsal with the New River Shanty Crew
Thursday 27 February 1.30pm
Shaftesbury Hall, 21 Herbert Road, N11 2QN
In conversation at Waterstones Enfield Town: Martin Liu interviews Sangeeta Waldron
Thursday 27 February 6.30pm
Waterstones Bookshop, 26 Church Street, EN2 6BE
Dads Drop-in Group at the Dugdale
Thursday 27 February 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Dugdale Arts Centre, London Road, Enfield Town EN2 6DS