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Broomfield Park

Line-up for this August's Broomfield Blues afternoons

24 June 2019

The line-up has been announced for this year's Broomfield Blues events at the Bandstand in Broomfield Park. They will take place every Sunday in August from 1.30pm to 5.30pm

Bringing back 'wild swimming' in Broomfield Park

04 June 2019

An ambitious crowdfunding campaign has been launched by a group called the Broomfield Pond Swim Society, whose aim is to revive wild swimming in Broomfield Park.

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Planting the Broomfield wetlands

22 May 2019

There was a big turnout of volunteers to help plant the new Broomfield Wetlands on a sunny Tuesday morning this week.

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60 years ago: New trains, a new school, a new garden for the blind and a famous Mayor

20 May 2019

In 2019 we have been reporting about the introduction of new trains for Palmers Green and plans for new schools in the north west of the borough. 60 years ago PG was also celebrating new trains, and a new school was being built in Oakwood. And the Mayor at the time was someone whose name remains well known in Palmers Green. All this and more event in Broomfield Park can be discovered in Southgate Newsreel No 1.

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Broomfield House: Important update

10 May 2019

Enfield Council has issued an important statement about the future of Broomfield House and stableyard. Read the statement plus comments from the Broomfield House Trust and Friends of Broomfield Park representatives who have been invoved in the discussions.

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North London Netball League

06 May 2019

Watch Palmers Green Tales latest film, about the North London Netball League. Matches are played in Broomfield Park.

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Get out your gloves and head for the Big Dig!

23 April 2019

This Saturday is Big Dig Day - the annual day when community gardens welcome volunteers and visitors, new and old, to explore how to grow food and celebrate the start of spring and the new growing season. This year there are two Big Dig Day events being organised by the Friends of Broomfield Park. One in the new Community Growing Space which the Friends have been working on for the last couple of years. The other in a much older feature of Broomfield Park - the Long Border.

Council issues reassurance about eventual extent of Broomfield Park wetlands scheme

07 April 2019

Enfield Council has provided reassurance in the light of concerns about the amount of parkland that will be occupied by the Broomfield Park wetlands scheme. The finished scheme will occupy only a small proportion of the site that is currently fenced off.

What's your view about events in Broomfield Park?

07 November 2018

What events would you like to be held in Broomfield Park - complete a short survey

Breathing Again - in Broomfield Park

16 October 2018

Breathing Again follows Patrick Samuel, an artist with autism and ADHD, as he prepares for his sixth solo exhibition using his local park as inspiration. Shot on location in Broomfield Park, Patrick, accompanied by his emotional support dog Chase, shares what it’s like living and coping with autism, how art has changed his life and why going to the park is such an important part of his daily routine.

Gold and Silver awards for the Friends of Broomfield Park

22 September 2018

Friends of Broomfield Park have won three awards from Enfield in Bloom 2018

Planning committee to consider Broomfield Park wetlands project

18 September 2018

The project to create a wetlands area in Broomfield Park is to be discussed at the meeting of the Enfield Council Planning Committee on 25 September.

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Revealing the hidden treasures of Broomfield House and Park

24 July 2018

This Saturday sees the launch of the long awaited exhibition about Broomfield House and the surrounding park, organised jointly by Enfield Museum and the Broomfield House Trust. The exhibition runs until 6th January 2019 at the Dugdale Centre.

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Friends call for more consultation about events in Broomfield Park

11 July 2018

In the wake of the successful campaign to cancel a planned 24-day long fair, the Friends of Broomfield Park (FoBP) have called on Enfield Council to establish a better system of consultation about future events in the park.

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Victory for "4 Not 24" campaigners

04 July 2018

A campaign against a planned funfair in Broomfield Park which would have lasted for 24 days has been successful. An Enfield cabinet member has written to neighbouring residents stating that the fair will not be held this year and that the council will be applying tighter conditions on future funfairs and circuses in the park to address the various issues raised by campaigners.

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Last chance to visit a special garden

19 June 2018

This Sunday, for the eighth year in succession, a rather special garden is open to the public, raising money for the upkeep of the plants in Broomfield Conservatory.

Find out about carnivorous plants in the renovated Broomfield Conservatory

13 June 2018

Broomfield Conservatory reopens on Sunday after some long overdue repairs and repainting. As well as giving you a chance to catch up on the progress of the bananas and the many other wonderful plants, there's a talk about carnivorous plants given by Jean, one of the Friends of Broomfield Park volunteers whose special duty is to look after the collection of insect-eaters.

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Friends of Broomfield Park update on current projects

30 May 2018

A summary of information from the open meeting of the Friends of Broomfield Park held on 21st May 2018

Stabbing in Broomfield Park

08 May 2018

Very little information has been released about the stabbing in Broomfield Park on Monday afternoon

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Making sure Festival goers don't get caught short

01 May 2018

The organisers of the Palmers Green Festival have issued an appeal for help of a very practtcal kind. Palmers Green Festival seeks relief Festival organisers are worried that its ongoing success might cause some discomfort to visitors. Organising volunteer Angie Smith explained, “For a number of years our portaloos have been funded by a hugely generous £600 annual donation by a Palmer’s Green resident. Because the festival is developed, organised and funded entirely by.......

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While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

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