28 August 2024
Local residents have expressed their support for the proposed Palmers Green East controlled parking zone (CPZ). The council's preliminary consultation about the scheme runs until 13th September.
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13 August 2024
Enfield Council has launched a preliminary consultation on proposals to introduce a permit parking scheme in Palmers Green to the east of Green Lanes, extending as far as New River Crescent.
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02 August 2023
The umbrella body London Councils is reviewing the penalty charges for contravening parking, bus lane and moving traffic regulations in the capital and has launched a public consultation.
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11 January 2023
Parking controls can play an important role in encouraging more sustainable modes of transport. A new report commissioned by the Centre for London makes the case for a more strategic approach to managing parking and the kerbside, and for reallocating street space to uses that Londoners value.
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01 December 2021
Notes from the 23rd November meeting of Palmers Green ward forum, the first since January 2020. Issues discussed included: the one-way system in Windsor Road, Osborne Road, Lightcliffe Road and New River Crescent; continuing failure to stop dangerous rat-running at the bottom of Hazelwood Lane; and consultation on a controlled parking zone.
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28 October 2021
Enfield Council is proposing to extend the operating hours of the northbound bus lane in Green Lanes just south of the North Circular Road so that it is in force from 7am to 7pm seven days of the week, rather than, as now, in the Monday to Friday evening peak only (4pm to 7pm). Only two parking spaces will be available (in the inset bay next to Zourtos butcher's shop), but the council say there is enough parking available on side streets to compensate.
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16 January 2021
Enfield Council is consulting on the idea of a permit parking scheme (or Controlled Parking Zone) for the Cedars Road area of Winchmore Hill. The consultation is open to people living in Cedars Road and Highfield Road, as well as others who feel they may be impacted by the proposals. The deadline for responding is 22nd January.
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03 January 2021
Enfield Council is consulting on proposals to change the costs of residents' parking permits in controlled parking zones (CPZs).
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11 May 2020
The government has told local authorities that it expects them to take urgent measures to reallocate roadspace away from cars to provide more room for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible, and in any event within weeks'. They are to include 'pop-up' cycle lanes with light segregation features, more school streets, lower speed limits, pedestrian and cycle zones that exclude motor traffic, low-traffic residential neighbourhoods, and bus and cycle corridors along key routes into town and city centres. Enfield Council's 'Streetspace Plan', announced last week, will incorporate measures of this sort - residents are able to upload their own suggestions on the council's Consultation Hub.
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09 January 2020
Feedback from a consultation about a possible controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Osborne Road and Windsor Road N13 showed that residents in Osborne Road are broadly in favour of parking controls, 9am - 6.30pm Monday to Saturday. The consultation results suggest that there is not enough support to continue to include Windsor Road.
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27 November 2019
After assessing feedback received during the six month-long consultation period, Enfield Council is consulting on some minor modifications to the experimental traffic orders relating to parking and loading restrictions along the A105 adjacent to the cycle lanes. The modifications would provide additional parking and loading points in Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, and in Village Road, Enfield.
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02 September 2019
An officer from Enfield Council will be at the Palmers Green ward forum on Wednesday 4th September to provide an update on the Quieter Neighbourhoods programme and traffic and parking problems.
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06 March 2019
A photograph taken on 26th February shows pedestrians, including a mothers with a baby buggy, forced to walk in the road because the pavements outside KFC in Palmers Green were completely blocked by illegally parked cars.
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10 February 2019
In response to a petition from residents, Enfield Council is consulting on proposals for a controlled parking zone which would take in the whole of Osborne Road and Windsor Road, N13.
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29 January 2019
Enfield Council is consulting on revised proposals for a controlled parking zone in Bowes ward, to the west of Green Lanes.
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02 June 2018
Enfield Counncil is planning to consult residents in part of Bowes ward about a proposed controlled parking zone
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18 March 2018
Early in the 2018/19 FY Enfield Council will be consulting residents in part of Bowes ward about a possible area-wide Controlled Parking Zone.
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28 November 2017
The draft London Plan, which will be released later this week, will include measures to encourage cycling and walking while discouraging driving. The proposals are aligned with the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy, which envisages increasing the proportion of trips in London made on foot, by cycle or using public transport to 80 per cent by 2041, compared to 64 per cent now, meaning an average of three million fewer car journeys in London each day.
The proposals have been welcomed by Dr Yvonne.......
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15 November 2017
The operating hours of the Lodge Drive car park in Palmers Green are to be extended, probably from this weekend. Cars will be able to enter up until 11.30pm and leave at any time.
The failure to extend the car park's operating hours - something promised as part of the Cycle Enfield project - was raised at the September meeting of the Palmers Green Ward Forum. In an email to attendees sent out today, Councillor Mary Maguire wrote:
Please also note that following the September ward forum I.......
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12 August 2015
Enfield Council are consulting residents about proposals for a controlled parking zone in Palmerston Crescent. There is current and likely future pressure on parking in this street because of the ongoing "Deadmans Bridge" sewer replacement work, the new flats being built on the site of the former Town Hall and in the grounds of Truro House and the planned increase in the number of buses based at Palmers Green bus garage.
For fuller information, see the Bowes & Bounds Connected.......
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