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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The second Firs Farm Wetlands Summer Festival is this Saturday, 14th July, from 10.30 in the morning to 7pm.  There are too many things planned to list here, but remember that, as well as providing a great day of fun, entertainment, information and enjoyment of nature, the Festival has a serious aim - to raise money for the Firs Farm Community Hub project (see the end of this article for details).

firs farm summer festival 2018 schedule 700pxClick on the image for a larger version

 firs farm summer festival 2018 map 700pxClick on the image for a larger version

firs farm community cafe image

Our vision is to create a welcoming, flexible community space, in keeping with the wetlands, which is aesthetically pleasing and can be used by ALL.

We envisage that it will be constructed from sustainable, reclaimed materials, featuring "living walls", to blend into the habitat.

The Community Hub will be designed as an educational, recreation and social space which can be used by schools and the wider community.

proposed cafe location at Firs FarmProposed location of the Community Hub

We want it to be a special place for special people, catering for children and adults with special needs.

It will incorporate Enfield's first Changing Place Toilets, a dedicated space designed for children with autism, a sensory garden and other facilities that will make a difference to the lives of people with dementia and other life-inhibiting conditions.

proposed internal layout of community hubProposed internal layout

Promises are already starting to come in from all over London, but more business support is still needed.

Your contribution would be permanently recognised in Firs Farm Wetlands.

Download the business sponsorship leaflet

Please contact Toni Guiver
07956 537974

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PGC Webmaster posted a reply
11 Jul 2018 19:56

Does your child want to be part of the wetlands-themed pageant on Saturday? All you have to do is dress up and come along to the wetlands at 1020am in the field close to the A10 by the metal outfall bridge.

There will be a sign and stewards there on the day. At 1030am the procession will be led around the wetlands to the festival stage where the judging will take place. Prizes for the best costume!!!

The photo shows some of the children who took part last time (2016).

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
