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If 14-year-old Divine were in No 10...

10 July 2024

A powerful message for the new occupier of No 10 Downing Street from a 14-year-old resident of Ponders End.

PG Action team leading fight to block new gambling venue

19 June 2024

Mati Valdivieso from Palmers Green Action team asks "Who wants another betting shop on our high street?"

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Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal

12 June 2024

Campaigners opposed to the leasing of part of Whitewebbs Park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to launch an appeal against the judicial review which found that Enfield Council's decision to let the land is lawful.

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Societies issue final appeal to public to object to draft Enfield Local Plan

01 May 2024

With the deadline approaching, the Enfield Society and Enfield RoadWatch have jointly issued a leaflet informing residents how they can object to elements of the draft Enfield Local Plan that the societies are strongly opposed to: construction on the green belt and tall buildings in town centres.

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Enfield Local Plan: Window for submissions open until 20th May

10 April 2024

The long and complex process by which the new Enfield Local Plan is being developed has now moved on to the 'Regulation 19' stage, which provides a final opportunity for members of the public to submit written representations. Understanding the plan and the processes for drawing it up and approving it requires specialist expertise, and both the council and the civil sector societies opposed to elements of the plan are offering advice to residents who wish to be involved.

Full council debates Enfield Local Plan next Tuesday

13 March 2024

Full council will debate the Enfield Local Plan on Tuesday 19th March at 7pm. There will be overspill accommodation at the Civic Centre to watch the debate, which will also be accessible online.

Council leader postpones debate on Enfield Local Plan

07 March 2024

Discussion by Full Council of the Enfield Local Plan has been postponed until 19th March so that data supporting the plan can be read by councillors.

'Unfair, unreasonable and undemocratic': Council accused of reneging on local plan consultation promise

07 February 2024

A statement issued on 7th February by Action for Enfield's Future expresses the frustration felt by its constituent community groups at the failure of the council leadership and the majority of ward councillors from both parties to fulfil the promise made in 2022 to engage effectively with residents about the content of the new Enfield Local Plan.

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'Time is running out for meaningful discussions' of Enfield Local Plan

31 January 2024

Community groups in Enfield are calling on both parties on the council to fulfil their promise to engage properly with residents before a key vote on an official planning document that will have a decisive impact on the borough's future development. Time is running out before the council debates the draft Enfield Local Plan, yet councillors have arranged ward forums in only nine out of 25 wards.

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PG ward forum scheduled for 20th February

24 January 2024

Palmers Green ward forum will be meeting on 20th February, which will provide an opportunity to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan with ward councillors.

Civic sector groups highlight draft Enfield Local Plan's threats to green belt and proposals for tall buildings

18 January 2024

Civil society groups in Enfield have repeated their calls to borough residents to ask their councillors to set up special ward forums to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan before it is debated in full council. They are concerned in particular about plans to build on green belt land and for tall buildings in town centres, including Palmers Green. In addition, they want residents to call for the evidence that the draft plan is based on to be made available to the public.

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Discussing the Enfield Local Plan in your ward forums

10 January 2024

Action for Enfield's Future - a non-political consortium of Enfield-based residents and civil sector groups - are asking the borough's residents to write to their ward councillors requesting a special ward forum to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan. In Winchmore Hill ward a meeting is already scheduled for Friday 19th January.

'The most heartbreaking stories of my career': Reporting on homelessness in Enfield

05 January 2024

In the last week of December 2023 James Cracknell, editor of Enfield Dispatch, posted a Twitter thread drawing together and commenting on 15 news reports on the personal impact of homelessness in the borough. It's a powerful plea to take action and also a powerful demonstration of the value of truly independent local newspapers.

Council publishes draft local plan 2024 - 2041

06 December 2023

Enfield Council has today published the draft version of its proposed Local Plan for the period 2024 to 2041. There now follows a 13-week period during which councillors will be able to discuss the draft with residents before it is formally put to the vote at a full council meeting on 6th March. The revised draft retains controversial proposals for extensive housebuilding on Green Belt land.

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A new Banbury Reservoir Park? The campaign gathers momentum

08 September 2023

The campaign for a large new park to be created using currently unloved land surrounding the Banbury Reservoir is gathering pace. In addition to an ongoing survey seeking people's ideas, a 'community hub' meeting has been organised for Thursday 28th September.

Scale of developer's 'vision' for building on green belt revealed

09 August 2023

Analysis of recently published inputs to the 2021 public consultation on the next Enfield Local Plan has revealed the scale of the ambitions of housing developers to build on extensive areas of land in the borough currently classified as Metropolitan Green Belt - but also among the submissions from developers there were some calling on the council to give preference to building on 'brownfield land', including sites in Palmers Green.

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Enfield Dispatch's exclusive shows the value of an independent local press

02 January 2023

Why did seven Labour councillors ignore strongly expressed professional advice about risks to life and other serious deficiencies and vote against a motion to refuse planning permission for a new tower block in Brimsdown? Some information that might provide a clue has been unearthed by the borough's independent community newspaper, Enfield Dispatch, and is revealed in the lead front-page story in its December issue, published yesterday.

Campaigners will 'have recourse to legal action if necessary' to defend public recreational rights at Whitewebbs

09 November 2022

Local campaigners have notified Enfield Council that in their view the planned leasing of a large part of Whitewebbs Park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is unlawful. They have warned both the council and the football club that they intend to enforce the rights of the public to make use of the land for recreation and will take legal action if necessary.

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Could a new market and community space create a more people-friendly Wood Green?

04 October 2022

Four years ago Haringey Council dropped a plan to totally reshape the centre of Wood Green, demolishing the Mall, library and Morrisons, and many other buildings, and creating new squares and a boulevard, with views over to Alexandra Palace. So shoppers and diners continue to contend with some of the worst aspects of 1960s and 1970s town planning. What could be done, on smaller scale, to improve Wood Green? Anabel Gregory has some ideas.

Call for public to attend rescheduled local plan council debate

24 September 2022

The debate about a petition demanding adequate debate about the new Enfield Local Plan has been rescheduled and will now be held at 7pm on Wednesday 12th October at a newly convened meeting of Enfield Council. Campaigners are asking supporters to fill the public gallery and, if available, any overspill capacity in the Civic Centre.

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