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The Pymmes Brook restoration project: Addressing concerns

23 September 2024

The Pymmes BrookERS, a volunteer-run river action group, respond to concerns voiced about a project under consideration that would change the course and appearance of the Pymmes Brook as it flows through Arnos Park.

Watch the candidates for Southgate & Wood Green speaking about housing, the cost of living and the climate

29 June 2024

A recording of yesterday's election hustings for the Southgate & Wood Green constituency is now online. The LibDems were represented by their election agent as their candidate could not attend. As happened with the Edmonton & Winchmore Hill hustings, both the Conservative and Reform parties failed to take up the invitation to participate.

Watch the candidates for Edmonton & Winchmore Hill speaking about housing, the cost of living and the climate

28 June 2024

A recording of yesterday's election hustings for the Edmonton and Winchmore Hill constituency is now online. All candidates apart from those standing for the Conservatives and Reform attended.

Council launching updated Enfield Climate Action Plan this weekend

19 June 2024

Enfield Council will be launching its updated Climate Action Plan at a "community networking and fun event" to be held at Edmonton Green Library on Saturday 22nd June.

Why London needs to be turned into a 'sponge city'

19 June 2024

The next four years are critical to tackling flooding and water pollution in London. To address these problems, London must urgently become a 'Sponge City-. But how - and why? And how can Londoners with front or back gardens help? Alice Roberts from CPRE London explains.

Read the full article and forum comments

Get your fill of sustainable supplies

19 June 2024

Top-up Truck (a converted milk float) will be calling at Devonshire Square every Friday afternoon, bringing a large range of package-free food and other household consumables to Palmers Green. And for refills five days a week, don't forget that just up the railway line, a couple of minutes walk from Grange Park station, there is a shop with a very large range of unpackaged items, Refill at the Grange.

Survey: Your thoughts on single-use plastics and switching to reusable alternatives

17 April 2024

Enfield Council and the North London Waste Authority are conducting a survey to find out what residents think about single-use plastics and switching to reusable alternatives.

London Assembly Enfield & Haringey constituency climate hustings

10 April 2024

Quentin Given from Friends of the Earth reports on this week's climate hustings, held in Wood Green, to which four of the candidates for the post of Assembly Member for Enfield & Haringey were invited.

Show some love for the Wolves Lane Centre

19 March 2024

Wolves Lane Centre isn't in Palmers Green, but it's not far away. This remarkable community and environmental project is raising money for improvements and expansion of its food growing and educational capacity - and you can have your donation doubled.

Interested in environmentally sustainable fashion?

12 March 2024

Enfield Climate Action Forum members are looking to set up an 'Eco Fashion' working group to research ways of reducing the impact of the clothes we buy on climate change and other environmental issues. To find out more you can join a webinar (online meeting) at 7pm on Wednesday 20th March.

Two concerned schoolgirls call on supermarkets to reduce plastic packaging

13 February 2024

'Two concerned schoolgirls' with a Palmers Green connection are behind a petition calling on supermarkets to stop packaging fruit and vegetables in single-use plastic.

New report says London and UK 'underprepared' for climate change impacts like flooding and extreme heat

17 January 2024

An interim report published by the London Climate Resilience Review confirms that London and the UK are 'underprepared' for major climate impacts, including severe flooding, extreme heat and wildfires, with a 'lethal risk' to the most vulnerable communities. The review makes urgent and strategic recommendations for UK Government and London.

A flavour of the Palmers Green community hub discussions

17 December 2023

While we await the full report on the discussions that took place at Palmers Green's first community hub, held last month, Francis Sealey from Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCAF) has released several short YouTube videos that give a flavour of what the afternoon was all about.

Environment Agency funding work to improve water quality in Broomfield Park

29 November 2023

The Environment Agency has agreed to commission an ecologist to carry out an environmental audit and recommend an enhancement strategy aimed at increasing biodiversity and water quality in Broomfield Park. Next spring FoBP volunteers will start testing water quality in all the watercourses and carry out new planting to help improve water quality and provide natural food for birds and other wildlife.

Putting our heads together to work towards a better future

22 November 2023

More than 100 people from PG and nearby came together last Saturday to spend the afternoon discussing their common challenges and ways of meeting them at the first Palmers Green Local Community Hub.

The PG local community hub: tackling challenges together

01 November 2023

The agenda has been published for the Palmers Green local community hub on 18th November. It will provide an opportunity for local people to discuss a range of topics - a place where those who attend have a voice and feel free to tell us how we can improve our locality and the lives of people there.

A new Banbury Reservoir Park? The campaign gathers momentum

08 September 2023

The campaign for a large new park to be created using currently unloved land surrounding the Banbury Reservoir is gathering pace. In addition to an ongoing survey seeking people's ideas, a 'community hub' meeting has been organised for Thursday 28th September.

Addressing local people's concerns through 'community hubs'

02 September 2023

Francis Sealey, chair of Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCAF), explains the background to the first Palmers Green 'Local Community Hub' - an afternoon and evening event in November bringing communities together to discuss the things that concern them, such as air pollution, social isolation, food insecurity and other issues both big and small.

Hurry to the Hinterlands for a day of fun and learning

24 August 2023

Today, between 10am and 8pm, there will be fun for the whole family in the borough's 'hinterlands' - along the Lea Navigation towpath. Explore an area that was once an important part of London's industry and a transport artery. It's still both of these to an extent, but it's also taken on a vital role in providing a cooling and calming strip bisecting the capital's ever hotter 'heat island'. All free, courtesy of the Canal and Rivers Trust and Enfield Climate Action Forum.

Incinerator campaigners condemn waste authority survey as 'disingenuous box-ticking'

23 August 2023

Environmental campaigners say that a survey of north London residents, designed to find out their views about managing waste in seven boroughs, is a 'box-ticking exercise' that fails to mention and ignores the negative economic and environmental consequences of building a large new incinerator in Edmonton. They accuse the waste authority of using flawed data to justify the project and instead call for advanced pre-sorting of waste to greatly reduce the need for incineration.

Read the full article and forum comments

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
