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Letting the next mayor know how much London Loves Cycling

24 April 2024

On Sunday 28th April people young, old and in between will meet up at Silver Street Station for a bike ride exploring Enfield's cycle routes and parks, setting out to have some fun but with a serious message for the next mayor of London.

Women cyclists call for freedom to ride without fear of injury or abuse

05 March 2024

Women from Palmers Green were among more than a thousand participants in last Sunday's Women's Freedom Ride, organised by the London Cycling Campaign as part of a campaign calling on the Mayor of London, Metropolitan Police and London boroughs to take stronger measures so that women can cycle on London's road without facing the levels of danger and abuse that they do currently.

Delivering the Mayor of London's transport strategy in Enfield

28 February 2024

Transport for London has allocated just over £3.8m to Enfield Council in 2024/25 to fund projects which will help deliver the Mayor of London's ambitions for improvements in road safety and better conditions for walking and cycling.

Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood: construction of phase 1 scheduled for this summer

13 February 2024

Enfield Council's 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' project for improvements to the public realm in Enfield Town has already progressed through four stages of public engagement since 2019, designed to find out people's views and improve the design. Funding is now in place for phase 1 - covering the north western corner of the scheme - and the statutory consultation period has begun, running until 3rd March.

Survey reveals the shocking hostile environment facing women cyclists in London

17 January 2024

A new survey has revealed the shocking level of abuse and aggression shown towards women cyclists in London by other road users. The group that commissioned it, London Cycling Campaign, say this is a prime reason why, compared to men, so few women use this inexpensive and environmentally friendly method of transport.

Borough's most dangerous junctions revealed

15 November 2023

New research methodology has identified the junctions in Enfield and other London boroughs which are the most hazardous for vulnerable road users: walkers, wheelers and cyclists.

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Free half-term cycle training

05 October 2023

Journeys and Places are offering FREE half term holiday cycle skills sessions for various age groups this October half term.

Interesting Enfield architecture: a view from the saddle

04 September 2023

On 16th September a fully marshalled bike ride at a leisurely pace will take participants around some of the more interesting architectural sites in Enfield and Haringey.

Wanted: deaf and disabled people to help advise the council on active travel and urban realm projects

09 August 2023

Enfield Council is inviting people to apply to be members of a group being set up to ensure that the views of deaf and disabled people are heard throughout the design phases of projects designed to enable and encourage people to use environmentally sustainable means to make daily journeys, such as school streets, quieter neighbourhoods and walking and cycling routes.

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Ride to market in style with the Family Bike Club

07 August 2023

The Family Bike Club are off to market on Sunday - join them on a leafy ride to Forty Hall. And find out about their ambitious plans for electrification and how you can help.

Free school holidays cycle training at Winchmore School

15 July 2023

Journeys and Places are offering FREE summer holiday Learn to Ride and Basic Cycle Skills sessions for various age groups from Monday 31st July to Friday 25th August. Sessions will take place at Winchmore Secondary School.

Further information and more time to comment on proposed PG to Pymmes active travel route

07 June 2023

Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team has published more information and extended the deadline for submitting comments on its proposals for the Old Park Road to Pymmes Park Walking and Cyling Route. The new deadline is midnight on Sunday 18th June. An online event will be held on Wednesday 14 June at 6pm.

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Council consulting on PG - Firs Farm - Pymmes Park active travel link

17 May 2023

The latest link to be consulted on in Enfield Council's planned network of active travel routes runs between Old Park Road in Palmers Green and Pymmes Park in Upper Edmonton via Barrowell Green, Firs Farm, Latymer School and Haselbury.

Off to market with the Family Bike Club

10 May 2023

As has been the case on second Sundays for a good few years, on 14th May the Food Gatherer will be running a farmers' market at Forty Hall Farm. But a novelty this month will be a new climate-friendly and family-friendly way of getting there. The Family Bike Club is organising a ride up to Forty Hall from their base next to Enfield Chase Station, using a quiet low-traffic route and led by a highly experienced cycling instructor and cycle ride marshal.

A family-friendly ride exploring eastern Enfield's bike lanes and the Albany Park wetlands

19 April 2023

A fully marshalled community bike ride on 30th April will be a chance to explore cycle lanes in eastern Enfield and the new wetlands in Albany Park - and an opportunity to try out an e-bike for free! And if you live in PG you can join a feeder ride outside the Fox to get you to the start of the main ride in Edmonton.

New active travel route to link PG with Arnos Grove and New Southgate

19 April 2023

Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team is seeking community input into early work on the design of an active travel (walking and cycling) route between Palmers Green, Arnos Grove and New Southgate stations. Residents are being invited to contribute by adding annotated pins to an interactive online map of a suggested route designed to use mainly quiet streets. The deadline for responding via the map is 7th May.

Council proposing new active travel route through Palmers Green

04 April 2023

Enfield Council's recently announced plans for a new cycling and walking route will mean that the important shopping, travel and employment hub at Southgate Circus will for the first time be safely accessible by bike from the Fox Lane LTN and Palmers Green. However, continuing the route east of PG to the Cambridge Roundabout will require bold measures to make Hazelwood Lane safe for cycling.

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Picking up in PG on the way to the Women's Freedom Ride

08 March 2023

People from Palmers Green were among more than 1100 cyclists who took to the streets of central London on Sunday for the Women's Freedom Ride, and the main organiser of the ride was a PG resident. It was a joyous celebration, but carried a serious message: a demand for a better deal for women cyclists throughout London.

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Hornsey to PG and Southgate: the best way by bike

28 February 2023

This new video from London Cycle Routes takes us through along a quiet route for travelling by bike from near Hornsey Station to Southgate, via Palmers Green

Join the Women's Freedom Ride!

22 February 2023

Women (and their allies) will be pedalling around the streets of central London in their thousands on Sunday 5th March. The occasion? In the run-up to International Women's Day a chance to get together and have a lot of fun, but also to send a serious message to the Mayor and council leaders throughout the capital about the gender gap in safe cycling provision.

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
